We had a fabulous Space Day! We learnt all about life as an astronaut (including important things like how to go to the loo on the ISS, how to sleep on the ISS, how to wash your hair in space and how to make a sandwich!). We completed some physical astronaut training, conducted experiments and enjoyed some delicious (and some not so delicious!) food! What a brilliant day!

Look at our incredible outfits!

What makes the best material for a space suit?

We learnt about the properties that a space suit needed to have and why. Then we tested different materials out on some rather unlikely astronauts to see which would be the best.

Test flight!

We enjoyed making our own rockets and flying them!

Tasting astronaut food!

 Astronaut food turned out to be not so popular and there were some very funny faces pulled. But everyone tried it- well done! We learnt how the food has the water removed so that it lasts longer which is why everything was hard and crunchy!

Moon phases

We recapped our work last week on the phases on the moon by ordering them and making them into a flip book. Then we chose two of the phases to make using Oreos. Sadly we then had to eat the Oreos!

Training like an astronaut!

We had lots of fun training like an astronaut would train. We built our fitness and strength by carrying moon rocks to the rocket. We built our dexterity by making a puzzle in gloves. Finally, we built Lego under water. We learnt that astronauts need to be very fit and strong and that they often have to do fiddly jobs whilst wearing gloves on a space walk. We also learnt that astronauts train underwater to give the sensation of weightlessness. 

Lego underwater.

Puzzle in gloves!

Carrying moon rocks!

Our space lunch was out of this world!

We enjoyed Mars pizzas, star potatoes and space rocks (peas and sweetcorn) followed by space rockets for pudding!

Moon craters!

Astronauts are great Scientists so we conducted our own experiment to see which ball made the deepest moon craters. Then we analysed the results to see if we could explain why the golf ball made the deepest craters even though it was the smallest ball.

Qualified Astronauts

At the end of the training,  I am delighted to announce that everyone passed and are now qualified astronauts. Please expect a call from NASA any day!

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