
We had lots of fun practising our time today with a time game.

Works of Art!

Our amazing copies of Van Gogh's Starry Night are ready to go home and be hung in pride of place!

The Space Race

We learnt about the Space Race today. We divided the class into Americans and Russians and we pretended to be very grumpy and rude to each other! There was some great acting!

Star Catchers

We read the story, How to Catch a Star and retold it beautifully. Then we designed and made our own star catchers. Imaginations went wild and there were loads of great solutions to the problems that the children would encounter when trying to catch a star! The models are just drying but pictures of the finished star catchers will be on the blog after half term!

The Adventure Playground

We enjoyed the challenges on the adventure playground this week! There was some great resilience and positivity shown when attempting the monkey bars.

Happy Birthday, Isai!

We enjoyed wishing Isai a very happy birthday today! We had our special Year 1 birthday song with Isai leading the conga!

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