Apologies! As I have gone to put up Week 10 photos, I spotted that I had not 'published' Week 9 blog so you could not see it. Sorry! Please go back and take a look!


We are the characters in our own story! These is how we respond when we find out what the naughty villains have done in our story...



This week in maths, we worked on addition number problems.



We have had a history week in preparation for our trip to Windsor Castle. We first looked at the features of our own homes (thank you parents for sending in home photos!); then we compared homes from the past and present and put these on a timeline; we looked at castle homes in particular and learnt about their features and then created our own castle in groups. We ended our week, visiting a real castle and spotting the features and even stared at the windows to see if the King would appear as the Royal Standard flag was up!

Windsor Castle

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