
This week in English,  we have been retelling fairy tales and sequencing the parts of a story.


This week in maths, we have been consolidating our number bonds work and solving addition and subtraction problems. 


In science, we tested whether everyday materials floated or sunk.


We have been learning the single vowel sounds. 


Year 1 learnt about the inside of homes and what bathrooms, kitchens and bedrooms might have looked like during the Iron Age, Tudor era, Medieval times (castle), Victorian era and compared this to to modern homes and what homes will look like in the future. We watched 'Maddies' Do you know?' about eco-homes. We then used shoe boxes and junk modelling to create homes from each era and then put these in chronological order and discussed how the materials for things in our home have changed.

RE - Christingle Trip

We went to the church to learn about Christingle and used our own one to understand the symbolic parts of the Christingle tradition.

Panto - Beauty and the Beast


This week, Year 1 have worked hard on preparing for the Lower School Nativity. 

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