
This week in English,  we retold familiar fairy tales to show off our fabulous writing skills! We ended our fairy tales topic by creating our own mixed-up fairy tales, which we read and role played in small groups. Then, we finished with a fairy tales version of 'Charades'!


This week in maths, we practised counting to 50 and estimated, counted and checked our accuracy of counting  up to 50 objects. 


In science, we thought about what material would be the most suitable for a roof for a house. We tested several materials after making predictions and carefully thought about how to make it a fair test.


Year 1 learnt about good manners this week. First, we sorted some actions into good manners and those that are not and then we had to role play good manners in response to a given scenario. We discussed good manners when having a conversation, during meal times, in our friendship groups, while lining up and what to do when our parents ask us to do a chore! Can you spot our good manners when listening to the teacher?!


We have loved being creative this week with our Christmas activities! Look out for your special Christmas water coloured present!

Happy Birthday, Ally!

We celebrated Ally's birthday at the beginning of the week!

Merry Christmas Year 1!

Lower School were visited by a very special guest - Santa, at our Christmas party! We had lots of fun playing party games and trying to eat a doughnut hanging on a string with our hands behind our back! Year 1’s favourite game was Santa’s Sleigh.

Year 1 had their own special celebration to end the term and to celebrate collecting 10 petals by working as a whole class to reach our weekly class targets. 

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