
This week, Year 1 has been consolidating their knowledge of numbers to 20 by representing them in different ways and counting on and back in 1s. 


We have begun our story ' On the way home' by Jill Murphy and have already had a go retelling the story using only the pictures. We are all waiting in anticipation to find out whether the girl in the story is lying about all the villains that tried to attack her on her way home or not! Watch this space!


During our geography lesson, the children first learned about bird's eye view images of an area and used an aerial photograph to identify key features of our school grounds. Then, when it stopped raining (!), they used their map of our school grounds to navigate their way around to find clues hidden around the school! Their excellent map skills meant they found all the letters hidden to spell the word 'THORNGROVE'!


We have been using our senses in science this week. We completed five different activities that rely solely on one of our senses. Can you spot which one?




In our history lesson this week, we studied our own toys that we played with when we were babies and then compared them to toys that were played with by our grandparents. We then explored some toys from the past by playing dominoes, marbles and pick up sticks and made our own cup and balls and spinning tops.

History - Our trip to Milestones Museum

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