Spring - Week 2

In Maths, we worked on addition facts up to 20. We used counting on with our fingers and number bonds to help us.

Towards the end of the week, we worked on our doubles facts. The Year 1s became wizards again to make special potions to help save the endangered animals and they needed their doubles knowledge to double the ingredients on their potion recipe! 

In English, we have written a recount from a story character’s point of view. We pretended to be a child, who visited the zoo with his family and used the ‘Zoo’ story written by Anthony Browne. We cleverly used time conjunctions, adjectives and the conjunction ‘and’ to make our sentences longer.

In Science, we looked at how we could group animals based on their different features. 

In Geography, we learnt about the seven continents and named some animals that live there.


In PSHE, we learnt different ways to cope with the emotion of anger.

In Explorer's Club, we travelled to South Africa!

Photos coming soon…

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