Spring - Week 3

In Maths, we have consolidated our addition facts through a range of activities and problem solving tasks. We have also been learning to subtract using our fingers, objects and related number bond facts.

In English, this week, we have learnt about nouns and adjectives. We then read riddles full of adjectives we spotted and went on an animal hunt to find the animal that the riddle described. We then ended the week, creating our own expanded noun phrases using an adjective and a noun to describe an animal. 

In Science, we learnt about the different parts of an animal’s body. We first matched animal parts together and then we created our own split pin animals.

In Geography, we worked in pairs to create our own labelled world map. We learnt about the continents and the five oceans. We also learnt about the different biomes of the world and the biomes, where some animals might live.


In PSHE, we role played our reactions to the emotion ‘happiness’. Can you spot the happiness in the following scenarios: scoring the winning goal, eating food at a restaurant, opening presents, meeting a friend and playing hide and seek?

In Explorer's Club, we continued to explore South Africa.

In our woods session, we learnt about the different birds that visit our woods. We are prepared for the Great Birdwatch for this weekend!


This week, we had a special visitor from Perform to teach our children communicating emotions through drama and role play.

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