Spring - Week 4

First, we admired our animal costumes...

We had a BBC live lesson led by Steve Backshall all the way from the National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth. We learnt all about how shark's adaptations help them to live in the oceans.

We created wooden animal structures. Then, we made habitats in a shoebox using junk modelling for our animal to live in!

We learnt about herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and went in search of the food that we eat that was hidden around school. Each 'animal' had to find the right food that they ate.

We also had a special animal visitor - Buddy the budgie! We asked our very own budgie expert (Albie!) to find out more about our feathery friend. Thank you, Mrs Wingfield-Digby for bringing him in!

We enjoyed learning all about animals!

In Maths, we have been counting, reading, representing and exploring numbers to 50. We tried to throw bean bags in to a hoop and for every bean bag we got in the hoop, we scored ten points, to help us count in tens.

In English, we have been creating riddles to guess an animal. We have been using expanded noun phrases in our writing.

In Science, we have been sorting and grouping animals into the main animal groups.

In Geography, we have thought about where animals live and looking at different habitats around the world.


In PSHE, we have been communicating and expressing different feelings. We have thought about different ways other people might express the same emotion and how we might respond to it.

In Explorer's Club, we travelled to Alaska.

For Animals Day, we created natural homes for our animals in our woods session.

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