Spring - Week 6

Dear Parents, 

Apologies on the lateness of this week's blog!

Mrs Andrews

In Maths this week, we have been very practical using scales to measure the weight of objects using non-standard units and solving problems involving comparing the mass of different objects. We also introduced the concept of capacity through exploring different containers and pouring water into different containers and thinking about which ones are empty, nearly empty, full, nearly full and half full. We have been looking at the container and the volume of water carefully to compare containers and order them.

In English, we have been understanding the differences between fiction and non-fiction books. We then worked together to research an endangered animal in pairs, and collected our notes, ready to start writing a non-chronological report on an animal.

In Science, we started our week by consolidating our knowledge of the animal groups, the structure of the animals and herbivores, carnivores and omnivores through a carousel of activities.

In Geography, we learnt about cold and hot places and the location of the equator. We then looked at the different biomes in different cold and hot places around the world and matched animals to their habitat. Then, we had four groups that learnt all about the oceans, the desert, the polar regions and the rainforest and taught the rest of the class facts about their biome.

In PSHE, we learnt about germs and how germs can still be left on our hands if we don't wash our hands properly. We first covered our hands in 'germs' (sparkly glitter!), then we investigated if there were any 'germs' left after... 

a) wiping with a tissue 

b) rinsing with water

c) washing with soap while singing the happy birthday tune twice!

It was clear that the only way our hands were clear of all germs/glitter was when we washed them properly with soap. Therefore, you may hear happy birthday quite a lot, once your child has finished in the bathroom!

Mrs Bryan has been working with Year 1 to create this masterpiece to show our topic in the style of Eric Carle. Wow, Year 1 - and Mrs Bryan!

In Explorer's Club, we travelled to Japan! We took part in a tea ceremony, we created cherry blossom trees and took part in several chopstick challenges.

For DT, we created animal hand puppets! Year 1 showed excellent sewing skills!

Happy Birthday, Poppy!

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