Spring - Week 7

Our Trip to Blue Reef Aquarium

In Maths, we started the week comparing volume. The children were presented with lots of problems which involved them pouring out water or comparing the volumes of water in different containers to complete the problem.

We then measured the capacity of different containers by filling cups/pots of water and seeing how many the container could hold once filled to the top.

In English, we have started to write our non-chronological reports on an endangered animal. 

In Geography, we learnt all about the 5 oceans and then looked at their special features. We then compared the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean and worked in small groups to answer questions about each ocean. 

In our next geography lesson, we will be visiting the Great Barrier Reef (in our classroom!) so we prepared our scuba diving masks ready for our adventure under the sea!



In Explorer's Club, we travelled to Japan again! 

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