Spring - Week 8

Our highlight of this week was World Book Day! We celebrated our love for books and had lots of reading for pleasure moments. Thank you wonderful parents for joining us in the morning to enjoy books with you - it was very special for the Year 1s! We then took part in the 'Character Parade' to show off our brilliant costumes. 

We enjoyed having a story in French with Madame Walsh and making a story in IT with Mr Broughton.

In the afternoon, we had the fantastic Lower School Public Speaking Competition. Congratulations to our Year 1 finalists: Poppy, Daisy, John, Albie and Arlo! You wowed your audience with a superb poetry performance. Well done to all the Year 1s, who worked hard to learn their poems and perform them clearly, with expression and with a smile!

We spent World Book Day roleplaying different stories with dress up costumes, snuggling with a story in the book corner, making book marks, playing book charades, completing a book scavenger hunt in our own book corner and we ended the day with watching a special video story created by the WBD organisers.

Mrs McSorland arranged West End Theatre Company to come and join us in preparation for World Book Day to do some drama around a brilliant book 'We're going to find a monster'.

In Maths, we have been learning about the measurement of time. We began the week with using the words before, after, first, next, after and finally to describe and order a set of instructions. The children had to complete a range of activities in pairs to help rehearse and practise the key vocabulary such as getting dressed up in silly costumes, washing their hands, making squash and ordering sets of story pictures.

Then, we practised ordering the days of the week and looking at our class timetable to think about the things we do on different days of the week.

We worked on chanting, ordering and problem-solving with the months of the year. We then learnt the 'Months Macarena' to help us!

In English, we have been practising our poems, preparing for World Book Day and enjoying lots of book-related activities.

In Science, we learnt about what climate change is and how climate change is affecting different parts of the world in different ways. We discussed our views on the worst effects of climate change to the least effects of climate change and put these in order.

In Geography, we learnt about the features of coral reefs, we became divers and explored our own coral reef in the classroom and then we made coral using playdough. 


In PSHE, we learnt about a balanced diet.

In Explorer's Club, we travelled to India!

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