Spring - Week 9

In Maths, we have been working on describing, applying and using positional and directional vocabulary. 

The Year 1s had to listen carefully to instructions that included positional vocabulary and then draw a picture. Do you think their picture matches the described picture?!

In English, we have been embellishing our sentences with adjectives, the conjunction 'and', capital letters and full stops to create great sentences about our endangered animal. We are now ready to self-edit our non-chronological reports ready for sharing with the Y6s.

In Science, we learnt about the properties of water: as a solid and as a liquid, while learning about the effects of climate change on the polar regions. We looked at how ice melts, when it is heated (using a hair drier) and investigated the ice turning to water. We pretended that the heat from the hair drier was the burning of fossil fuels resulting in a warmer world and the ice block was the Arctic ice the polar bear live on.

In Geography, we spent two afternoons being creative and creating a coral reef diorama to show our understanding of the importance of coral reefs as a habitat for many sea creatures. We used junk modelling to create our dioramas. Can you spot the coral?

We had special visitors in our 'Show and Share'! Thank you, Rollo (and Mrs Hepburn!) for bringing in the cutest guinea pigs. They were a bit too shy for a cuddle, but we enjoyed watching them play and come out for food and listening to Rollo talk about them with such love!

Mrs Smith kindly brought Bess' puppies to school for us to meet. Year 1 loved giving Biscuit and Bruno lots of cuddles!

What fun we had on Red Nose Day, while raising money for Comic Relief!

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