Summer - Week 1

Aliens have landed at Thorngrove!!!!!!

On our first day back, we discovered an alien ship had crashed next to the science block! The loud crash woke Mr Graham up the night before, and therefore, the Year 1s have been asked to be Thorngrove Detectives and look for clues to find out what has happened!

Beneath the spaceship, we found a torn passport that belongs to the alien. We used the translator slip that had both English letters and alien letters to decipher what the passport said.

In Maths, we have been consolidating our understanding of position and direction language. We 'flew' our planes across the world map to get from different places using the words: left, right, quarter turn, half turn, forwards, backwards, etc. We followed instructions to put toys in various positions on three 'shelves'. 

In History, we learnt about different explorers that have discovered things in the past that have helped us to understand our world. We discussed different types of explorers and why they might want to explore and what they might need. We then drew what what we thought an explorer might need on their adventure in their backpack.


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