Summer - Week 10

In Maths, we have been learning to recognise coins and notes, counting coins, working out amounts of coins and finding the total amount of coins.

Carousel of activities to help us recognise coins and £ and p

Recognising notes

Making amounts to buy items with different prices

In English, we completed our instructions on 'How to plant a bean' and edited our sentences.

In Science, we were so lucky to have such gorgeous weather to enjoy all of our science lessons outside! We have completed 5 science lessons this week on our plants topic (hence, no humanities, music or IT).

Naming and recognising common plants in the woods

Finding out about the structure and function of a plant

Drawing and labelling the features of a tree

Making friends with trees for our tree study (and a stop on the bridge to see what Mrs Smith collected from pond dipping and a quick play!)

The lifecycle of the plant


We had a special Art lesson this week, as Mrs Bryan was away, creating sculptures made from natural materials and reinforcing our science topic on plants. We were inspired by the work of an artist called Andy Goldsworthy to make art sculptures that could fully decompose and not ruin our environment! We then took digital evidence of our art work. 

In our Woods session, we went pond dipping!

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