Summer - Week 5

We began the week focusing on making equal groups by grouping and sharing. We then applied our learning to solve problems involving sharing and making equal groups. 

We have begun our new topic: fractions. This week we have focussed on recognising a half of shapes and objects and finding a half of shapes and objects by cutting out shapes and then folding them to find two halves and by creating play dough shapes and then cutting them in two equal halves.

We ended the week by finding a half of an amount or quantity by halving a group of objects.   

Making groups by grouping

Make equal groups by sharing

Finding half of a shape or object

Finding half of a quantity

In English, we have been practising our writing skills ready to write a letter to Beegu's parents, back on Planet Zargos! 

We learnt how to use inverted commas to mark speech. We used the different pasta shapes and dried beans to be our punctuation! We also looked at the features of letters. 

We learnt about a new group of words: verbs and how to add -ing to verbs and we ended the week drawing Beegu's time on Planet Earth,  so we are ready to recount what happened to her, when we write a letter back to her parents.

We combined our Science and Geography lesson and became weather forecasters for the UK! We studied the weather this week and have created weather diaries. We then looked at what the weather was like in the rest of the UK and we created our own news weather report!

In History, we discovered different explorers that have made an impact on what we know today. We studied different explorers of the past including: Roald Amundsen (Antarctica explorer), Sylvia Earle (deep sea diver), Christopher Columbus (sea voyager), Charles Darwin (nature explorer), Ibn Battatu (1400s world traveller), Edmund Hillary (mountaineer) and Neil Armstrong (astronaut). We then chose our favourite explorer and wrote about what they explored and when their expedition took place. 


In PSHE, we learnt about kind and unkind behaviours and played a game where we had to sort scenarios into kind or unkind. 

In Explorer's Club, we travelled to India again and made peacocks!

In our Woods session, we found out about slow worms and made one using pipe cleaners and beads and we discovered mini beasts hidden in different places.

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