Summer - Week 6

Parents: Please note there have been some updates on Summer Week 5. There were some weather forecast videos that needed to be done again and therefore we completed them this week, but they are in last week's blog.

In Maths, we have been learning about halving and quartering shapes and quantities. We folded shapes into halves or quarters and stuck them together to make our own fractions alien!

Quartering objects and shapes

Making fraction aliens

Finding a quarter of a quantity

In English, we all became Beegu and wrote a letter back to Beegu's parents to tell them what had happened to Beegu during her time on Planet Earth. We used our super writing skills to use adjectives, conjunctions and inverted commas to demarcate speech.

In Science, we learnt about how the day length varies when the seasons change. We learnt why we have seasons and used models of the sun (the torch) and the Earth spinning on its axis to understand this.

In PSHE, we discussed the people who are special to us and why.

In French, the lucky Year 1s had ice-cream! Madame Walsh kindly brought in ice-cream, which the children could have when they asked for it in French!

What an amazing Music Festival we had to start off our week! The Year 1 performances were outstanding!

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