A fieldtrip around Woolton Hill

We looked at different land uses, services, followed an OS map and spotted lots of different features along the way. We paused for a stop and listen and a stop and sketch at the church (which tied in rather conveniently with our RE this half of term on Christian rites of passage) and as luck would have it we arrived at the play park in time for snack and break time!

After returning to school we had a very exciting traffic count- who knew that a van could cause so much excitement!

Researching beetles

We had lots of fun sharing our beetle fact with our friends and then seeing how many we could remember.

Why did the Anglo Saxons come to Britannia?

We worked in pairs to sort the factors into pull or push reasons. Some great discussion and team work; well done!

Making a fraction wall to compare and find equivalent fractions. 

Looking at how illustrations convey meanings and how they affect the reader.

We enjoyed creating our own stylised pictures in a similar style to how Fiona has created her illustrations of Anna.

Science investigation. Does the length of your femur affect how far you can jump?

Time to Teach

Reading comprehension

We used our special spotting glasses to help us spot the answers whilst working on our English comprehension. They were definitely magic!

Taking a Victorian style portrait

In English we have been comparing photography styles throughout the ages. We found it hard not to smile when taking a Victorian style portrait.

We checked each other for smiles and made sure that we had authentic poses before holding them for one minute!

Real or Fake? A picture never lies? 

In English we have been looking at old photographs, talking about editing and discussing how to tell when a picture is fake. We had some fun using AI ourselves! 

We enjoyed looking at Tom's photos and thinking about why we take photos and other thought provoking questions...

STEM fair

The STEM fair was a triumph. What a fantastic show; I think we were all inspired. Here are some of the Year 3 entries! Well done to everyone who took part!


Mr Graham's assembly was on the importance of team work on Wednesday. For our Section Assembly on Friday, we enjoyed celebrating bats and learnt about how they work together as a team (colony). As it was International Bat Day this week, it seemed like the perfect combination!

Each class freeze framed different ways that bats can work together: looking after babies, keeping warm, protection and finding and sharing food.

Year 3 and 4 are indeed an excellent team!

Revising unit fractions by icing biscuits

Lots of different ways to embed fraction knowledge!

Drama: inspired by The Bluest of Blues