Happy New Year and welcome back!

New Year word and a little bit of silliness for our display board!

This week we thought about challenges that we had faced in 2023 and tried to use some of these to help us decide on a word to inspire us for 2024. There were some really thoughtful ideas, such as 'Brave', 'Sleep', 'Learn' and 'Rest'. 

A hilarious and interesting History lesson dissecting "organic" matter to illustrate the importance of using evidence in History. Using what they found, the children were able to date the poo as Roman, Viking or Tudor. 

Happy Birthday, Aldo!

Exploring the effect of gravity on Strawberry laces 

Exploring friction

Our first practice of our show with our scripts! We are so excited!

We miss you, Beau! We sent Beau a get well soon video!

Banana, Banana, Meatballs!

Sometimes we just a need a quick brain break and to move around between lessons. We have enjoyed learning Banana, Banana, Meatballs. We are actually getting pretty good at it now!

Freeze Frame!

Our book this half of term is Iron Man. We enjoyed making a freeze frame of the moment that Hogarth came home to tell his family about the Iron Man!

Exploring the effect of surface area on air resistance 

3L's Assembly.

3L gave us a real treat in our Friday assembly. They had decided to tell us all about their favourite animals. We loved the pictures, funny videos and the fun facts that they had chosen. Well done, 3L for such a great assembly.

Magic and Bubble Time

Exploring which shapes have the least amount of water resistance. 

Top Trump Tuesdays

Time to teach by Jack

Betty's Time to Teach was all about scrapbooking!

Betty gave us a wonderful tutorial on how to scrapbook. I think that she inspired lots of us to give it a go! We enjoyed looking at her wonderful scrapbook from the Christmas holidays, jam packed with photos, map and flyer to remind her of fun memories. Afterwards, she answered questions and judging by how many there were, her audience were captivated!

Pompeii and the volcanoes of Italy!

We enjoyed making our own Vesuvius eruption after learning about the 3 largest volcanoes in Italy, as well as what happened to Pompeii.

Finding out about the Roman Army

We were Celt spies, gathering evidence about the Roman army. There was great excitement as we were allowed 10 second peeks at the centurion, Marcus then had to return for a 10 second sketch before the next spy took over. Eventually we managed to capture him and were able to ask him one question each to gather information about the invaders. 

We then used this evidence to form the basis of a report to our Celt tribe leader, advising him on whether we should fight or run away!


We found a Go Noodle contractions song which gave an excuse for a dance! Then we practised making different contractions, noticing which letters were missing and where the apostrophe went. 


Some words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. We had a few games of Chinese Whispers where we saw how easy it was to muddle meanings and word sounds!