Summer - Week 8

In Maths, we have been working on the place value of numbers to 100. 

We were given questions to find one more and one less than numbers up to 100. We then had to find the numbers outside, which gave us a letter. Once we collected all the letters, we made a sentence.

We worked on comparing numbers by using our water shooters to spray the greater number and we hung a set of numbers on a washing line in order. 

One more and one less than

Comparing numbers

In English, we looked for features of instructional texts.

To help us learn about imperative verbs and how to look after our environment for PSHE, we read a story called 'Greta and the Giants'. In the story, the children want the giants to stop cutting down trees, so they write commands on boards and protest to make the giants listen. We created our own protest boards by using imperative (bossy) verbs on ways we can look after the environment and we will have a peaceful protest for everyone at Thorngrove to see.

In Science, we have continued to think about recording weather.

We created wind socks to see how strong the wind was. (Please wait till next week to see our wind socks in action!)

We started our new topic on plants, by exploring different types of seeds. We then planned our seed investigation by thinking about what a plant needs to grow, in small groups. 

Creating wind socks

Exploring seeds

Plant investigation planning

In our Art lesson with Mrs Bryan, we finished our sunflower paintings, inspired by the work of Van Gogh. We hope you liked our Father's Day gift!


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