Voting took place for to see who would represent Year 1 at the School Council. It was very close, but we are delighted that Tom and Sofia will be our counsellors this term. Well done to both of them! We have already given them some ideas about special lunches and snacks for when we get our tokens, as well as some ideas about playtimes.
The first meeting is on Friday. So watch this space!
We had one last day of symmetry this week where we used mirrors to sort shapes into symmetrical and not symmetrical. Some of them were really sneaky!
The Bayeux Tapestry
We started learning about William the Conqueror and why the first castles were built in England. We looked at the Bayeux Tapestry and found different events from the story! It is 70m long in real life!
The gerbils came out for a cuddle!
Star of the Day gets to cuddle a gerbil! The gerbils are feeling much more brave now that they know us better so we are able to pick them up and gently cuddle them!
Science and English!
We combined our work on The Little Red Hen and instructions in English with our work on Materials in Science. We enjoyed watching the changes in the dough as it rose and was cooked. Hopefully everyone enjoyed eating them for tea too! Afterwards we sequenced the instructions.
We enjoyed playing Mrs Murray Says... which is really similar to Simon Says only with Mrs Murray saying it!!
We followed instructions so that we could make our fabulous little red hen characters. Some aren't quite finished but we will complete them next week and I will add the photos on then!
Making Rain Music!
We have chosen some incredible choices for our special lunch. We collect tokens and then choose which tube to put it in. The one that has the most is what we will have for lunch or snack! We can earn tokens for getting 5 smilies, running the Daily Mile well or getting a certificate or ARK award. We have done really well at collecting tokens already!
ICT was great fun today. We chose different things to draw on the Purple Mash programme and used the different tools like colours, shapes and pen thickness.
Phew! What a busy and fun week. There are some tired faces today so I hope everyone has a restful weekend!