Fairy Tales!

This week in English, we finished our stories and then begun our fairy tales topic. Each day, the 'Star of the Day' chose a fairy tale to share with the class and we have now read 12 fairy tales! 

On Fairy Tales Day, we started the day completing mini-activities including roleplaying the Goldilocks story and Cinderella story; matching characters to their objects; making characters by joining heads to bodies; matching the beginning, middle and end of stories together and reading lots of fairy tales.

We followed Mr Barker (the fairy tales dog) around school to find lots of fairy tale clues. We discovered a giant beanstalk, a magic mirror, gold coins next to a spinning wheel and even heard the troll from under the bridge!

Can you spot the Big Bad Wolf, the Gingerbread Man, Daisy the cow, Goldilocks, an Elf, a donkey, a dragon, Puss in Boots, a knight and Prince Charming, the Monkey King, the princess who kissed a frog and a scary, old lady handing out bad apples?!

We even made our own Gingerbread men! I hope none of them got away...


For science, on Fairy Tales Day, we tested whether the third little pig's brick was actually the strongest. We thought about why the wolf wasn't able to blow this house down, but could blow down the straw and the sticks house. We described the properties of the materials and made predictions. Then, we used paper straws (straw), wooden blocks (sticks) and Lego (bricks) to test our predictions. 


This week in maths, we learnt about subtraction as taking away. 



We consolidated the split digraphs using games.


We learnt about turn-taking. The children were given instructions for different games and they had to work by themselves to complete the game using turn-taking skills. They used different strategies to make it fair including using 'eenie, meenie, miny, mo', going round in a circle and starting with the youngest. 


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