Spring - Week 5

In Maths, we have learnt about lengths and heights. First, we compared lengths and used the words 'longer', 'shorter' and 'taller' to compare different lengths. We then measured lengths using objects and completed our learning by measuring using a ruler, in centimetres.

In English, we learnt to read our animal poems out loud. We then spotted rhyming words in poems and matched rhyming pairs together.

In Science, we learnt about animal diets and put on animal masks and pretended to be herbivores, carnivores or omnivores and look for food!

This week for humanities, we had a Chinese New Year Day! We filled it with learning about the traditions that Chinese people have when celebrating Chinese New Year. We acted out the Great Race using the animal puppets, we created animals from the story using tangram puzzles and we created dragons because this year is the Year of the Dragon!

The Great Race

Tangram Puzzles

Dragon Craft 

After making our dragons, we then used building blocks to create a dragon! No pictures of the dragons, as these came home!

Lantern Making

In Explorer's Club, we travelled to China to celebrate Chinese New Year!

We created more animal homes and talked about why the local area wildlife might be confused by climate change, while having a hot chocolate.

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